{LiveFromNY}�Sniper/Rifle Team CoD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tactical Field Manual *UPDATED* |
Hey All, I have been running the battlefield in this virtual world since the early ?90s with the introduction of Castle Wolfenstein, Hexen, Heretic, Doom, all through the Medal of Honor era and now Call of Duty. In the real world I am also a pistol expert of 18 years. In the world of gaming and in real life I?ve seen some awesome shooters and masters of tactic. I?ve run several clans and competed in many clan competitions. I have developed a strategy over the years using certain simple tactics and maneuvers which have served me well. I am by no means the best player in the virtual world or real life, but I can hold my own, and I?ve seen and continue to see some masters of the battlefield. By applying certain skills I?ve had the privilege to run with them, and applying these strategies to your game will ensure vast improvement in your score ratios as well as success in tournament play. Yes, I can keep these tactics to myself and to my teammates in the tourney competition, but I?d rather share what I?ve learned because my ultimate drive is to improve your game. The games we play are so much more gratifying and challenging when playing smart, intelligent, and skillful players. It is after all where you?ll learn the most. I hope some of these things come in handy for you and help to heighten your game and fun factor. Various illustrations will be provided to explain each tactic and help you understand how to apply them. This will not work for all, as some are not interested in looking that deeply into their game. Some just want to jump in and kill as fast as they can and rack up a winning kill score. But what usually happens is you end up dying more than anything, ultimately hurting your game. Time and patience, practice and concentration, will ultimately make you a better player, allowing you to enjoy your game while eliminating frustration, thus, boosting your confidence. This will give you a whole new outlook on yourself as a player. You all have good players inside, with a little tweak; you?ll be a great player.
Rule Number 1 - relax when you play. Are you the type who sits upright, your body tense,
your eyes glued a few inches from the screen? Eagerness and the need for quick kills will
ultimately leave you with more deaths and frustration.
A comfortable chair with good padding is a must. Sit back and run the battlefield with all
your energy focused on sight and sound. This will allow you to move fluidly through an
environment, not hurried and desperate. Your keyboard and mouse become your body. Be the
character, rather than controlling the character.
I?ve found over time that the best playing position is with your mouse on the upper tier
and the keyboard on the lower tier. This allows you to sit back with your key arm extended
at your mid-body allowing for less reach. Your arm is more relaxed.
Your mouse hand is directly in front of you, minimizing reach. This is much more
comfortable than having keyboard and mouse at an even height, causing your upper body to
tense and reach. Without even knowing it, your back will arch and you?ll be leaning
forward five minutes into a round - not good. Try the two-tier system; you?ll feel the
Weaponry ? are you the type who gets a feel for one type of weapon and wants to use nothing
else? You dread using another weapon, but in tournament play you will be playing as Axis
and Ally so don?t get that sick feeling anymore when you face use of a weapon you?re not
comfortable with. Force yourself to master all weapons. Switch around and get a feel for
available weapons in your general play and practice. Each weapon has its own feel,
sighting, re-load sequence, etc. Mix it up, so when you need to play with a particular
weapon you will be ready for it and comfortable. The Springfield, Enfield, Kar98 and Mosin
Nagent are vastly different. Take your time with each, but give equal time to all.
Especially with our single-fire rate (all weapons are at the same rate of fire to even up
with bolt action rifles) and no crosshairs, the pistol is especially difficult, but is a
great tool in a tight situation. When engaging an enemy and your rifle ammo goes, the
re-load time most of the time gets you killed. Switch quickly to the pistol and fire for
the head, you?ll surprise yourself. Practice with the pistol as much as you can.
Thirty-three percent health drop per shot so place them well and hopefully your enemy is
low on health.
Plain and simple, always with any weapon, aim for the head. It?s a smaller target but does
the most damage and forces your eye to sharpen and your aim to tighten.
On occasion, you must shoot the parts of the body as the situation calls for, such as:
Someone is behind a train for example, so you drop prone, hope he?s low on health and go
for the knees.
As much as you possibly can, even from long range, practice shooting without scope or iron
sights. Without a crosshair it?s difficult, but in time, your senses will kick in and
you?ll develop a feel for shot placement.
Believe me, in time, with patience, you?ll get extremely sharp. You?ll be accused of using
an Aimbot, lol, and you?ll amaze yourself with some of the kills you?ll pull off. Then
when you use a scope or iron sights your auto senses will kick in and your target focus
time will dramatically decrease allowing you to get shots off more quickly. Pick up an MG
on another server; you?ll be absolutely deadly.
Picking spots at various times, especially if you hear an enemy approaching, gives you
control over that area and immediate engagement. But a good hunter follows a few general
rules in his environment.
1. Never stay in the position of your last kill. Move on and stealth out of the area
and re-position. Learn to hunt, don?t become the hunted.
2. Run like hell ? in two situations:
A. When engaging the enemy, move; move quickly, side-to-side, back, crouch, stand,
etc. Never give him a clean kill target, but continue to focus on his head, always.
B. To gain position ? ?sprint to your destination, then stealth that destination?. As
illustrated, would I cross the open area stealthily? Of course not. In any open area that
leads to another area of position, you sprint, moving side-to-side to avoid the shots that
will come your way. But once you reach your destination, immediately drop to stealth
position and scan the entire area. Be the hunter. Use your entire 360-degree field of
vision. Don?t get fixed on only the view in front of you. Look to your sides, rear, up,
building windows, etc. with each section of that area. Focus on bushes closely; you may be
walking into an ambush. Always keep moving, if you stop, make sure there?s good cover.
3. Corridors and Tight Throughways As the Point Man
When traveling alone you are in the ?point? position. As illustrated, always travel a
corridor or tight throughway from the outer wall in coordination with the end of said
corridor. As you approach, you will get a wider and wider view of the end?s opening,
exposing an enemy more quickly. At the end of said corridor, make a rounded turn as to
expose the entire opening. NEVER travel a corridor from its inner wall, making a blind
turn. You will surely meet a quick death. Practice this technique and apply it to every
corridor and turn; be patient. This is the point position.
4. Doorway Entry
As illustrated, in maps with doors that you open manually, always position yourself to the
side, usually the knob side, and activate the door open. Then, do a sweep, a rounded
stealthy movement, taking a step back as you go to gain full vision of what?s inside before
entering. Open a door, position yourself straight in front of it exposing a blind room,
and an enemy on the other side will blow you away before you can even react.
**These apply to EVERY corridor and door you encounter. In time, you will do this with
speed, and without even thinking about it.
This plays probably more of a part in survival than visual. My recommendation is
headphones; good ones, 5.1 surround headphones and a good surround sound card can?t be
beat. A sound blaster, Audigy 2 or better is recommended.
One step, one rustle of a bush, the creek of an opening door, and especially the picking up
of ammo (most likely un-needed ammo), gives up your position quicker than a spectator on
Ventrillo, lol.
When stealthing an area, listen, listen very carefully. If he takes one step, drops from a
box etc., you?ve got him! But remember, one wrong step, and he?s got you.
You?re stealthing, hunting, a shot rings out. Your instinct is to rush to that area to
kill someone, you?ve forgotten there are others just waiting for your impatience, and
they?ll get you on your way to the fight. When you hear that shot, follow its direction if
you choose but remain in stealth mode and patiently engage the area. When the enemy comes
into view, take him or them out. It happens to all of us; this game is about survival and
shoot on sight.
It?s your responsibility to stick closely to structures as much as possible. Try to engage
the enemy out of open view if possible and watch your surroundings. Other enemies will
exploit an open fight, two easy kills, be careful.
Just as if traveling alone, the point position with a partner, the backup position, you?ll
implement this in the same way but your backup will travel the inner corridor. As you, the
point man, approach the opening, your backup will approach the end wall on the inside, thus
being the element of surprise to the enemy. The backup can lean out, or pop out, to finish
off the enemy after the point man?s initial engagement. The point man always engages the
enemy first. If he is taken out, he makes the sacrifice, and the backup finishes the
This is where ?point? and ?backup? reverse roles. The backup is the one to position
himself to the side of the door to activate the opening of the door. The point man
positions himself directly in front of the door and gives a quick scan into the room from
center view to left, then right. He again would engage the enemy first, if he is taken
down, the backup can be the element of surprise and hopefully finish the job.
My servers have always been geared towards realism, making the experience as close to real
life as possible. My motto is, ?If you wouldn?t do it in real life, we don?t do it here.?
None of these field tactics contain ?bunny hopping?. Jumping was made for obtaining access
onto boxes, jumping over objects, etc. not for use in battle. ?Type killing?, we don?t do
this as a courtesy. I suppose if you barged into a room in real war and a German was at a
desk typing, you might kill him, lol, but not in the game. ?Leaning? was made for peaking
around corners and objects. To lean constantly back and forth during battle is just not
real. Read our ?Rules of Conduct?, they should be implemented in your general field
tactics, which makes you a fair and honest player. Also, we never take advantage of flaws
in maps that you may find, it?s cheap, and a dishonest use of a mapmakers errors.
I have been trying to come up with a quick brief way to explain the type of game I promote
here at {LFNY} , A lot of new players get a little confused and that?s not my or our
intention . Ultimately we promote a game that provides realism , fairness and an
opportunity for the newer player to improve his game thus increasing confidence and fun .
Well I?ve Found what I?m looking for . ?Black Hawk Down? . Have you seen the movie ? If not
, see it . It displays exactly what I?m trying to convey. Watch the soldiers and the
tactics they use when engaging the enemy . They are more or less Hunters , they stealth ,
seek , find and are very careful with every section of the environment . In Open area?s
they move quickly to gain access to their destinations , but then stealth and hunt that
destination . You wouldn?t see them just running around blindly gunning carelessly . That?s
the Point I?m trying to convey to you in the battlefield.
Stats are basically posted for fun. They give you the opportunity to get a general idea of
your kill to death ratio, but they are not a true measure of skill compared to others. A
lot of circumstances dictate an individual?s stats. Some players only play a few hours a
week. Some players only play at times when the general public, containing a lot of newbies
to the game, are present. A true measure of skill is your actual implementation of tactics
and the result in a given round or competition. The stats are broad and even reported to
be inaccurate at times for whatever reason. They can aid you in analyzing your own
performance, but don?t live and breathe by them; you?d only be hurting your own game and
confidence. When I assign teams, I take into account the rounds played in coordination
with your ratio, not a literal account of your skill level compared to others. Take stats
with a grain of salt. Pay too much mind to them and you?ll lose the fun factor and drive
to improve?have fun, focus on your game?that?s number one.
Don?t for a minute think that having a better Ping has any bearing on your skill level.
Ping has to do with basically how smooth the environment is rendered on your end. If Ping
were a deciding factor in skill, then at the end of every round, the scores would line up
with the Pings?they don?t. Play in servers with very low Ping, then play in servers with
Pings well over 100, your application of tactics and skill are the same and will dictate
your outcome, and they will be comparable. I play in servers with very high Pings, play my
same type of game and the outcomes are always comparable to low Ping games.
Human reaction time when two players fire at each other at the same time determines who
gets the shot off first. Ping having to do with the bullet time is a farce, rendering that
bullet travel time is different than the actual milliseconds the bullet is taking to reach
its target from human fire time to destination. A low Ping doesn?t make human reaction
time any different?it?s a technical matter?do some research on it, it has no bearing on
your skill. Your game, and its results shouldn?t change because of low or high Ping.
Retreat! a solid tactic avoided like the plague
because people think if you retreat its the next best
thing to being shot or beaten. The fact is that a good
retreat is one of the finest tactics available.
If you hear a shot and can't find the source within a few
seconds then retreat back the way you came or to the
nearest cover, if someone has you in his scope and you
can't find him don't try to look for him or god forbid
slowly creep out of your cover... Odds are 10-1 he will
kill you. if you must move go to pistol and run. You
will live to get the jump on someone else or circle
around the map untill you can find the guy who took a
shot at you.
If you come face to face with someone fire 2 shots as
fast as you can at the target while moveing side to
side and backward go through a door find a place to
kneel. Alternate between kneeling up against the
wall 90 degrees from the door and at a 45 degree
angle.Most people expect the 90 degrees and the
skilled players learn quickly to mix up their position
so they can never be sure. this could cause them to
delay just enough for you to kill them) and wait for
him to follow (90% of the time they WILL follow)
When he walks through the door take a calm shot and
if he is still alive THEN circle and fire your last 2
at him dont forget to go to pistols right after the
2nd shot(unless you have the Russian rifle) use the
pistol to either end the fight or use the pistol run
speed to get away and reload your rifle.
When playing only a few players on a map , fire a shot
in mid-air after you re-spawn to grab their attention and
draw them toward your location , most will certainly
follow. Move to cover (preferably with a view) ASAP after your shot into the air so as not to be a easy target or become riddled with bullets (pun intended).
1. German-The German weapons seem to be more geared for
the percise long range game. The German sniper rifle
has excellent view down the scope and seems to be a
hair easier to hit with at a distance. Same thing goes
for the lugar. The lugar like the German rifle seems
a little weak or maybe just a hair more inaccurate then
the others in close quarters but is very reliable in
medium and even does well in the rare long range
pistol confrontations.
2. American/British-The Springfield sniper rifle seems
to have alittle more wobble and just a hair more
difficulty with the long range shots while its close
and medium range shots are very good.Same goes with
the 45 which in unserpassed in close range but has trouble
with accuacy once the range increases.
3. Russian-The Russian sniper rifle stands in the middle
ground in both catagories. It has decent long
shots(though less than the German rifle) and has a
decent close game(again less than the Springfield)
but its true value comes from the very quick reload
who's usefullness can not be overstated. The Russians
use the lugar identical to the Germans.
These tactics are the ones most
frequently used on the field of battle because they do
not require much of any practice to accomplish and
have virtualy no need for team messages in order to
1. Half and half where the team splits and moves about
the map as seperate groups.
2. Moving as a large group and staying in fairly close
proximity to each other.
3. To each his own where every team member moves about
as he pleases and hope for the best.
These are tactics I have come up with in the field to
combat the above tactics. (it is best not to choose
your tactic untill you have a feel or understanding on
how the enemy team is moving)
1. THE HOLD AND ORBIT This is where part of the team
holds a section of the map while the other part make a
quick or slow orbit around the edges of the map untill
you meet back up with the rest of you team at the hold
point (best to switch jobs every orbit to avoid
boredom). You WILL come in contact with the opposing
force and it seems to be equal contact between both
the hold and orbit team members. The key to this is
that only the hold team asks for help in which case
the orbit team comes at a run to their aid (usually
right behind the opposing force) while the hold team
stays entrenched and holds off or (hopefully) kills
the assalting force.
This tactic works well against the half and half
tactic, The each his own tactic, and is very very
effective when you outnumber the opposing force.
2. THE SCOUT AND CRASH This tactic dosnt require
much coordination. The scout and crash is where one
team member moves very quickly (still quietly) around
and through the map in order to gain a location on the
enemy team without exposing the main body of your team
to fire thus reducing your total casualties (even if
the scout is shot you know thier position while they
wont be ready to belive there was just one and will
usually stay there looking for the scouts backup that
dosnt exist). The trick to this is that the scout
needs to know the map well and be a good delay fighter
(avoids close contact and keeps alot of fire on the
enemy team). This is nessesary because its noise you
want to make because in a 3-5 on 1 there is no time to
write messages to your team telling them where you are
so your team learns to wait for the commotion and then
comes running (this lets the main body avoid
ambushes). The scout must be the best player in the
This tactic destroys the moving as a large group
tactic, has average success against pairs, and is
useless against the to each his own tactic.
Of course most of the tactics that I am suggesting in
this are geared mainly for the TDM matches. As search
and destroy tactics they require a little more caution and
3. THE RECON TACTIC Similer to the "Scout and crash
tactic" in that it requires a single player to work
on his/her own. However in this tactic the scout
simply finds a good vantage point on the map and keeps
an eye on both his team and the opposing force without
engaging the enemy which would reveal the scouts
position and compromise the scouts objectives. The
exeptions to this are: A. When your team mixes up with
the enemy force at close range the scout should make
long distance shots to bail out any struggling
teamates. B. When the scout sees a lone sniper
trying to flank your team. The scouts job is to keep
his team constantly aware of the opposing forces
movments and numbers so that they always have the
advantage on the field.
This tactic is devistating to the "large group
tactic", "The pairs tactic", and has decent success
against the "everyone for themselves tactic", it even
has average success against the "hold and orbit
tactic" (although against the "hold and orbit" the
scout may have trouble staying hidden and getting back
unseen to a usefull hiding spot when shot)
These are indivigual tactics that you can use in both
DM and TDM matches.
1. CLEARING THE ROOF You have spotted or know that a
bad guy is on the roof above you. In that situation it
is best not to try and circle around or try to charge
up the roof in order to eliminate the threat from
above. The best tactic that I have found in this case
is to set up below the roof and fire a few shots down
the street or in the air (this is done in order to get
the roof top opponent to come to the edge to look for
you) when the guys pops his head over the ledge you
pop him and move on (its importent to use the rifle
for this, a pistol may make him suspisious if he has
heard no rifle fire before it). You want him to think
that a close range rifle fight is happening below him
so that he will come running to try to kill "both" of
you. Also dont use more than 2 or maby 3 bullets to
attract him/her because you may miss the first shot
and need an extra bullet or 2 to finish the kill.
As you know, when you kill an
opponent they drop what ever weapon they were carrying
at the time. If it is the same as a weapon you carry
then you will automaticly pick of the weapon and take
its ammo. Now this tactic refers to the weapons you
are NOT carrying.
Simply switch to
the second and resume while you opponent (exept for
the Russians) will be forced to either reload (giving
you a chance to kill him without having worry of his
return fire) or he will switch to pistols (in which
you will have the more powerful weapon out of the 2 of
you) IMPORTANT-When you pick up the second rifle
make sure to check that it is fully loaded or it will
be of little to no use to you when you need it.
3. WORK THE TEAM This tactic is for when you are
attatched to a team that likes to stay together but
dosn't like to have a plan or decides that their
approach is better than the one you are suggesting
(but they dont lead the team they just simply move on
thier own and the rest of the team decides to go with
the flow). Now for most of the skilled players this can
be a frustrating point especially if the opposing team
is fill with players that: A. Work well together or B.
Are individuals who are skilled enough to put a
hurting on your team if nothing is done by you the
indivigual to offset your teams charge headlong
strategy. Now although a charging team can be annoying
it can also be used by a skilled player as an
opportunity. When your team wants to charge off...let
them. Your job is to: A. Follow at a distance and
provide long range sniper cover for your team or B.
Wait until your team is engaged with the enemy team
and then you flank the opposing team and hit them
either from the side or from behind.(if you're lucky you
will be in a position to turn the tide of the battle
to the side of your team by making your teamates into
an unknowing partner in a very effective trap.(basicly
you turn your teams unwillingness to corrdinate into a
winning strategy).
4. VENGENCE One aspect of this type of fighting that
a skilled player needs to be aware of is the Vengence
Probability. This is when you kill a player and that
same player charges right back to your position to try
and take you out. Now this is done for several reasons:
A. No player enjoys being killed and when they are
they feel the need to take revenge or to prove to
themselves and others that although they where killed
they can also kill thier killer. B. After being killed
you either know where your killer is or have a good
idea as to their whereabouts and it is hard to ignore
the chance to have the jump on someone especially when
they dont know where you respawned at. C. if your
killer is in a good spot it is in your best interest
to take him/her out in order to cut off any more kills
he might make thus protecting your chances to outscore
Also in order to take advantage of this very common
thing you need to understand that you must move from
the spot where you killed someone and then move to a
spot where you have a good view of the spot you just
left and simply wait for the revenge type player to
show up and then shoot him again.
A seldom thought about aspect of the game is your players clothing or camo. However it is an important aspect to stealth and should be thought about before jumping in a map.
Each map differs in what uniform your player may have, for example some of the snow maps allow the Germans a white uniform and helmet while the Allied players wear their green or brown uniforms. Which stands out more, white on white, or green on white? That split second that your enemy has to ask him/her self Is that a snow covered rock or a target? may save you from certain death and allow an oppurtunity for a shot.
This decesion is also an important one on the street and city maps that have dark corners or stone buildings as can be seen in the following images.
Of course for this to be effective you must be able and willing to use all weapons available in the game. IMPORTANT-if you decide you need to be German for a certain map but don't like the weapons you can always pickup the weapon of your choice somewhere along the line (see Armed to the Teeth under INDIVIDUAL TACTICS FOR DEATHMATCH AND TEAM DEATHMATCH.)
I hope you will apply these tips and tweaks to your game. I promise you, you will see a
whole new player within yourself?
Created By : John {Bocefus}{CA}
Written By: Pete {SniperHunter}{A}, Wacko, & John {Bocefus}{CA}
Dictation And Editing By: {Manon}{MM} & John {Bocefus}{CA}
Illustration Actors: Pascal {Eltarkus}{CA}, Pete {SniperHunter}{A}, Jon {BulletRiddled}{JA}, & John {Bocefus}{CA}